Wednesday, May 7, 2014

A Mother's Day Prayer

Dear Lord, Thank you for such a wonderful mom. I truly have a gift in her.  Today Father, my thoughts are drawn to some struggling friends. Please comfort those who silently mourn the loss of their mothers this week. Please be with those who never knew their parents and those whose parents were taken from them. 

 Father, please comfort those women who long to hold a child in their arms. Please help this wonderful day set aside to honor our mothers not to be a burden to those who long so badly to be mothers themselves. Please give our love to the precious children who were taken from these brave women. Please hold them in Your arms and give us the faith to know that they are loved more now than they ever could have been here on earth. 

And Lord, please comfort the children whose parents have abandoned them. Please show them that You will never leave them. Please love them in a way that only You can. Give us grace as people wish, “Happy Mother’s Day.” Help our minds to be flooded with only good thoughts and precious memories. Thank you for being the most loving parent we could ever hope for. Thank you, Father, amen. 

Post written by Dave Parton